Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Can't Wait to Sign up for Second Life!

Seriously. When Nicole was offering to cover SL in class, I was underwhelmed, thinking SL is so three years ago and very uninteresting. But I went along with it, in part because I knew I'd enjoy the other modification on offer, the Twitter section.

The readings in preparation for class have completely turned me around. The most impactful articles were both career related - I am so fixated! The other readings and interviews were very interesting and made me more interested in checking out SL, but the news that IBM and the UK government are using SL to recruit and process recruits intrigues me. It's another way to market myself to potential employers, and I'll take anything I can get!

Looking forward to class, and trying to keep myself from signing up before then. Would that be really bad if I did?


  1. you know Carolyn, you are way ahead of me in all these virtual networking site. I am really impressed. I had no idea what second life was until I started reading about it earlier to do the blog post. I also had to do more research because I could not believe that what i was reading was true. Little did I know. I just hope you have a good expereience with it. With those virtual networks I always worry that maybe some serial killer is aiming at getting to know people in order to commit his crime. Maybe it's just me but again you never know. Good luck :)

  2. I have to say, I'm very curious about our lab for today. I don't think I would have tried it on my own, so I'm excited about the opportunity! I think creating the avatar will be the most interesting part, but I'm open to new experiences. I do agree, though, that it would be an interesting tool for job searching / interviews.
